Prepared to face the onslaughts of life

Prepared to face the onslaughts of life

After my month of teacher training with Yogi Sivadas I not only feel prepared to teach yoga but I also feel much more prepared to face the onslaughts of life in Los Angeles, California. From the indepth philosophical take on yoga to the anatomical breakdown of the asanas, Yogi Sivadas dedicated long hours and lots of attention to making sure his students understood every aspect of yoga. He managed to do so without ever forcing ideas or opinions onto his students- rather, he let us make our decisions and offered up as many theories and histories as he could so that we had a wide variety of information to pick and choose from. I had an incredibly pleasant month in Mcleod and with Yogi Sivadas. I feel stronger, more confident and more capable in my practice and in my teaching. If anyone has any questions regarding the teacher training or Mcleod Ganj.

Emily Bensinger (Yogini Savitha)


Emily Bensinger (Yogini Savitha)

After my month of teacher training with Yogi Sivadas I not only feel prepared to teach yoga but I also feel much more prepared to face the onslaughts of life in Los Angeles, California. From the indepth philosophical take on yoga to the anatomical breakdown of the asanas, Yogi Sivadas dedicated long hours and lots of attention to making sure his students understood every aspect of yoga. He managed to do so without ever forcing ideas or opinions onto his students- rather, he let us make our decisions and offered up as many theories and histories as he could so that we had a wide variety of information to pick and choose from. I had an incredibly pleasant month in Mcleod and with Yogi Sivadas. I feel stronger, more confident and more capable in my practice and in my teaching. If anyone has any questions regarding the teacher training or Mcleod Ganj.